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ECTP 2023 will be the 22nd in a series of very successful conferences held since 1968. It is organized by the Associazione Italiana Proprietà Termofisiche (AIPT) in cooperation with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (DIEF/EELab), the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ITC) and the IUAV University of Venice.
The objective of the Conference is to provide a forum for academic and industrial researchers to meet and share experiences in the field of thermophysical properties of a wide variety of systems, covering both fluids and solids. The Conference will concentrate on theory, modeling, measurements and applications on the following topics:


Properties: thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, viscosity and non-Newtonian properties, mass-diffusion, optical and radiative properties including emissivity, reflectivity and absorptivity, solubility, phase equilibrium including liquid-solid, calorimetric and volumetric properties, speed of sound, interfacial properties including solid-solid and wettability.


Materials: metals and alloys, ceramics, glasses, composites, multi-functional materials, superconductors, insulation materials, solar-reflective materials and thermal shields, porous materials, granular and thin-film materials, foams, gels, emulsions, soft materials, nano-materials, near critical and super critical fluids, polymers, food and biomaterials, environmentally friendly fluids, aqueous systems, petroleum fluids, ionic liquids, molten salts.


Methods: measurement techniques (including methodologies for data evaluation and prediction), engineering applications (polymerization, casting, sintering, plasma spraying, distillation), refrigerant techniques, thermoelectric cooling, insulation structures in civil engineering.



  • NOVEMBER 1, 2022
    Opening of abstract submission and registration

  • DECEMBER 31, 2022
    Deadline for nominations for the ECTP Lifetime Award  (to be sent to
    Deadline for nominations for the ECTP-NETZSCH Young Scientist Award  (to be sent to:

  • APRIL 15, 2023
    Deadline for abstract submission

  • MAY 15, 2023
    Notification of abstract acceptance

  • JUNE 15, 2023
    Deadline for early bird registration



After the conference, authors may submit their manuscripts to some agreed journals. Peer-review will take place according to specific journal rules.


Complementary activities will be organized for accompanying persons.

Please contact for any information about papers submissions,

Arrivederci in Venice!!

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